Living Your Faith

Encouragement For Your Journey With God

Being Grateful: A Call to Remember and Rejoice


The power of gratitude in our lives is unmistakable. That is way I am so thankful we have a day set aside to reflect on the goodness of God in lives, our communities and our nation. In a world that often pulls us in every direction, pausing to thank God for His goodness grounds us in His presence and reminds us of His faithfulness.

Life can feel overwhelming at times. Without God’s steady hand, it would be easy to lose heart. But our God—rich in mercy, overflowing with love, and mighty to save—always brings His people through, even in the hardest moments. And in the process, He draws us closer to Him, inviting us to see His glory more clearly.

Being grateful shifts our focus. Instead of fixating on what we don’t have or what’s going wrong, we turn our attention to the One who provides every good gift and works all things together for good. Giving thanks renews our faith, strengthens our hope, and opens the door for joy to flood our hearts.

The Bible is full of examples of gratitude and thanksgiving that teach and even inspire us. For example, two of my favorites are the stories of Miriam and Deborah.

Miriam’s Song of Thanksgiving

Miriam lived her first 80-plus years as a slave in Egypt, witnessing incredible suffering. During that time she saw her people oppressed, and even watched as Pharaoh ordered all male Israelite newborns to be killed. In spite of that Miriam risked her life and courageously helped save her baby brother Moses, trusting in God’s providence.

Years later, when God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt Miriam witnessed it first-hand. She watched the Red Sea part at God’s command and walked through the towering waters with the other Israelites as they escaped Pharaoh’s army. When the sea crashed back down, destroying their enemies, their fear turned into faith.

Miriam couldn’t contain her gratitude. So, she led the women in a joyful song and dance of thanksgiving:

Then Miriam the prophet, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women followed her, with timbrels and dancing. 21 Miriam sang to them: ‘Sing to the Lord for he is highly exalted. Both horse and driver he has hurled into the sea.'” (Ex. 15:20-21 NIV)

Even though a great desert stretched out before them and the way was unclear, Miriam’s joy overflowed. She knew their freedom was secure. She was so grateful! Her song declared God’s power and faithfulness, inviting others to praise Him too.

Deborah’s Anthem of Victory

Fast forward to the time of Deborah, a prophetess and judge in Israel. Finally, after 20 years of oppression under King Jabin of Canaan, God called Deborah to lead His people to victory. The battle was fierce, but the victory was decisive—and clearly the Lord’s doing.

Afterward, Deborah wrote a song of thanksgiving, proclaiming how God had fought for His people:

“The earth trembled, and the skies poured down rain,
The mountains quaked in the presence of the Lord,
The God of Israel.
” (Judges 5:4b-5, NLT)

Her anthem celebrated God’s power and faithfulness, reminding future generations that He is always working on behalf of His people.

Gratitude in Our Lives

Like Miriam and Deborah, we all have reasons to thank God. Maybe He’s carried you through a health challenge, restored a broken relationship, or provided just what you needed when you didn’t know how you’d make it. Or maybe He’s been your steady refuge through a storm that hasn’t yet passed. Are you grateful?

Even in hard times, gratitude reminds us that God is good, faithful, and present. When we thank Him, we acknowledge His sovereignty and invite Him into our struggles.

As you probably know, I have traveled to many places around the world that do not have the freedoms or comforts many of us enjoy. As I was pondering this some years ago, I remember feeling so grateful for even the little things in my life. I wrote my own anthem of thanksgiving. It’s simple, but it reflects the gratitude I have in my heart for God’s goodness in even the simple things in my life. It also reveals how that gratitude compels me to generosity too.

So That…Thanksgiving

Safe shelter. Plenty to eat.
A choice of clothes. Shoes on my feet.
A loving family. A comfortable bed.
Friends to laugh with. Pillows for my head.
They are simple things that I’m grateful for,
And each year I appreciate them more.
Eyesight to see. Books I can read.
Doctors close by. A staff to lead.
The ability to smile. The freedom to choose…
Who to vote for—win or lose.
Strength for any task. Money to give.
A Savior who died so that I can live.
The blessings go on, too numerous to mention.
God is so good, He deserves my attention.
When I think of all He’s done, and how He first loved me,
I want to bless Him back with a life lived generously!

I encourage you to write your own declaration, letting God know how grateful you are! Whether it’s a short list of blessings or a heartfelt letter to God, it will shift your focus and remind you of His faithfulness. And it will inspire you in some way as well.

With this in mind, let’s reflect on Psalm 100 NLT, a timeless call to worship and thanksgiving.

“Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
He made us, and we are his.[a]
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.”

So, each day let’s approach God with hearts full of gratitude. He is good, His love is eternal, and His faithfulness never fails. What more could we ask for?


Finally, for more inspiration you might enjoy reading Prayer Is Direct Access to God! Or Listen to Her God Story episodes available now!