Living Your Faith

Encouragement For Your Journey With God


Category: The Journey

It’s Proven, Delays To God’s Promises Have A Purpose

Promises Delayed

Going to Disney is the dream of every kid I know.  So, the excitement children feel when a parent promises, “we’ll go to Disney,” is immeasurable!  They jump up and down; and run around. They hoot and holler, and immediately Read more…

Lean In and Stick Close

Lean In

Lean in. Those words in my spirit gave me pause one morning as I was pouring out my frustrations to the Lord about the confusing days in which we live.  As I pondered the phrase, a picture formed in my Read more…

3 Things to Make Your Foundation Firm!

Firm Foundation

The foundation of Jesus Christ will NEVER crack or erode. But, when we look at our lives and examine our foundations, we must consider whether our faith remains fully grounded on Christ as our foundation. If you have discovered that your foundation is a little shaky, it is time to make adjustments. Read more to find out how!

To Have Victory — Don’t Give the Devil a Foothold!

The Apostle Peter instructed, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8). Of course, most of us know this verse and would never willingly open the door for the devil, as a roaring lion, to stalk through the door of our lives. We rightfully flee from overt sins like murder, theft, and adultery. Hopefully, we are wise enough to also avoid more socially acceptable, but just as destructive, sins like drunkenness, sexual immorality, lying, unwholesome talk, and seething anger. Those are all things that can give the devil a foothold in our lives.

Acting Out Of Who I Am

Smallest smiley

My beloved dog, Riley, died in October. His death, added to other significant losses we experienced recently, left my emotions raw and agitated.   Little things caused oversized reactions from me.  I did and said things that were out of character, Read more…

Seek the Lord While He Can Be Found

Seeking God

How do we truly seek the Lord? This question has been marinating in my thoughts for the past few weeks.  The answer seems pretty straight forward, but there is more to it than meets the eye. The Big Picture As Read more…

Stand Firm in a Day of Shifting Sand

Stand Firm

Shifting Sand We live in a day where the beliefs of society are like shifting sand. Firm footing is hard to find. Like the time of the Biblical Judges, today “everyone <does> what is right in <their> own eyes” (Judges Read more…

The Key to Lasting Happiness

Would you like the key to happiness?  It is money, fame, power, adoration? Nope, none of those. But I can tell you what it is! Does that sound too good to be true?  It’s not!  The key to happiness and Read more…

The Pearl of Great Price

Pearl of Great Price

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”  Matt 13:45-46 During Roman times pearls were an elusive Read more…

Times and Seasons

I have been pondering recently how to navigate a new season in which I find myself.  As I did, the Lord brought to mind Eccelsiastes 3:1, which in the NKJV says, “To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under Read more…