Living Your Faith

Encouragement For Your Journey With God

Treasure These Things, Mary’s Story

Treasures of the heart

Ah, Christmas – a season of treasures, joy, laughter, and a whirlwind of festivities. The excitement of gift-opening, delightful meals, unexpected interruptions, and the warmth of family and friends can sometimes leave us caught up in a frenzy, racing from one activity to another without truly savoring the magic of the moment. Amidst the chaos, it’s easy to overlook the significance of each celebration, allowing them to blur into a mosaic of indistinguishable memories.

At our family holiday table, we make it a point to ask one another about our favorite Christmas experiences or presents. It’s surprising how often the response is a hesitant, “I don’t know.” It’s not that the memories aren’t there; it’s just that amid the festive chaos, the details tend to merge. However, every Christmas holds something unique and worth remembering.

Mary’s Story

Consider the story of Mary. In Luke 2 we discover she is fully pregnant when she and Joseph must embark on a challenging journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem due to Caesar’s decree. Exhausted and on the verge of giving birth, they found Bethlehem overcrowded, with no proper lodging available. Forced to take refuge in a stable with animals, Mary gave birth to Jesus, with only Joseph’s help!

If you are familiar with childbirth, I am sure you can imagine the flood of emotions: joy, relief, and fear that filled Mary’s heart.  And as she and Joseph swaddled Jesus and made him a bed in a manager – a group of excited shepherds arrived!  They told Mary and Joseph how angels appeared to them singing ““Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” 

When the shepherds finally left, Mary and Joseph both must have been overwhelmed with exhaustion and concerned about all the challenges that lay ahead: finding a better place to live, securing employment for Joseph, and the myriad concerns that come with parenthood. 

But before Mary succumbed to the tyranny of the urgent, Luke 2:19 says, “19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”   She chose not to let the chaos of her circumstances overshadow the beauty of the moment. Instead, she paused, reflecting on the shepherds, the angelic singing, and the miracle of Jesus’ birth. Years later, she still remembered and was able to recount in some detail what happened so that Luke, the writer of this Gospel could record it for us all. 

Remember Your Treasure

As we navigate through the remaining days of this festive season, let’s follow Mary’s example. Take a pause amid the celebrations and capture the Divine conversations, the kindness of others, and the precious moments with family and friends. Ponder these moments in your heart, so they become lasting treasures that you can recall years from now.

Whether through journaling, photography, or simply reflecting, make a conscious effort to preserve the beauty God is weaving into this season just for you! These treasures from God will serve as a source of encouragement for yourself and others as you share stories of the joy, love, and grace experienced during the holidays.

So, before you dive back into the holiday frenzy, take a moment to reflect what has happened so far. Thank the Lord for His goodness and tuck those memories into the treasure chest of your heart.

Merry Christmas!

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